Press Release: International Conference – Stop World War III. For a true and just peace, stop NATO

The Appeal, launched by the Fronte del Dissenso together with other European and international movements, as well as thousands of citizens, dozens of political organizations and social movements from different countries and continents have signed: from Germany to Russia, from Greece to Ukraine, from Afghanistan to the USA, from India to South Korea, from China to Palestine, from Venezuela to Australia. Official delegations from these countries will therefore be present at the Conference.

The appeal was shared among other Italian personalities by general Fabio Mini, physicist Carlo Rovelli, former Italian ambassadors Alberto Bradanini and Elena Basile, and historian Franco Cardini.

The conference will be attended by, among others:

  • The Italian General Fabio Mini, 
  • the former Italian ambassadors Alberto Bradanini and Elena Basile, 
  • the historian Franco Cardini,
  • the Italian journalist Tiziana Alterio, 
  • the Father of Julian Assange John Shipton
  • the Italian lawyer and leader of Fronte del Dissenso Gaia Fusai,
  • the former Slovakian Prime Minister Ján Carnogursky, 
  • the former Greek Deputy Defense Minister Konstantinos Isychos, 
  • the spokesman of the Artisans for the peace of Germany Karl Krökel, 
  • the spokesman for the Austrian Anti‐​imperialist Coordination Wilhelm Langthaler,
  • the secretary of the South Korean People’s Democratic Party Stephen Cho, 
  • the Lebanese deputy of the Hezbollah party Ali Fayyad, 
  • the secretary of the National Confederation of Labor of the Philippines Ernesto Arellano, 
  • the president of Moroccan Socialist Youth Younes Siraj,
  • the pacifist and antiwar movement of U.S.A Sara Flounders and Joe Lombardo,
  • the President of Zannekinbond of Belgium Nick Krekelbergh,
  • from Ukraine Larissa Schesler, Union of Political Prisoners and Political emigrants Alexej Albu, Borotba, former parliamentarian for the Odessa oblast,
  • the coordinator of the Socialist Platform of Georgia Temur Pipia,
  • the former deputy minister of the Lugansk People’s Republic Andrej Kochetov, 
  • the secretary of United Communist Party of Russia Daria Dasha Mitina,
  • parliamentarians of United Russia,
  • exponents of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF),
  • Said Gafurov, Marxist intellectual,
  • representatives of the Palestinian Resistance.

The Rome conference – which will lay the foundations for an inclusive, lasting, and well‐​organized international network for peace, against NATO and all imperialism – will begin on Friday 27 October at 10 am and will end on Saturday 28 October at 1:00 pm.

On Saturday 28 October, at 3 pm, a demonstration will take place in Piazza dell’Esquilino Rome, in which the delegates from the different countries will speak.

Stop World War III. For a true and just peace, stop NATO


27 – 28 OCTOBER 2023

ROME, Hotel Universo, Via Principe Amedeo, 5/​b


Thursday 26 October, 5pm, at the Hotel Universo, Via Principe Amedeo, 5/​b

For information and to obtain press accreditation:



Tel: +39 320 40 12 846

For the Front of Dissent

The national spokesperson

Moreno Pasquinelli

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